Photography & Design
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- Zazzle new additions
Good morning everyone So today I will be focusing on uploading new designs and creating new products for the Zazzle marketplace. The key here is to always make new designs, as having a product like this: will not be as attractive to customers as having a product like this: But todays work will revolve around my new elephant tusk frame design with the african wildlife photography I have taken throughout the years in the centre of the frame: So back to work for me. have a great day
- Day One
So day one after uploading some designs onto Etsy through the Printful partnership, and no sales. no shocker there as this will probably take a while to achieve anything. had 10 views apparently, which for only two products does not seem to be that bad, considering it was 24 hours. Just got to keep plugging away at this, its a long road to success. Have uploaded some more products today for the pathblazer photography etsy store. Made a custom designed elephant artwork as well. you can see them here: Elephant Scents T shirt Zebra herd Pillow case Have a great day everyone.
- What started this?
So naturally everything starts out of something, and while we all hope it would just be a passion to do something you love, my story started a little different. My wife had admitted to one day becoming Alcohol dependent, which is nothing new in this world. Many suffer from mental illnesses and the like, and she is one of them. I love her regardless. She had lost her job as a result, which lead to rehab, and we started questioning our life choices. I used to do photography years ago, and had the original photos stored away, and this made me, from a financial and a sanity standpoint, wonder if it was worth trying again. So that lead to lots of googling, frantic searching, checking up on old zazzle shops, finding printful,etsy etc, and going well it costs me nothing to very little, so why not try. I am still working my day job as a systems analyst, but this is a important step for me and the new pathblazer photography. Doubt will creep in, has a few times already, but just got to have faith in my family( we have a 5 month old, Connor), that my wife will beat this, God will provide, through work and perseverance, something good will happen here.