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- Custom printed wildlife photography aprons
Hi All As part of our custom designs and products from our wildlife photography, we have partnered with multiple print on demand companies to bring you a range of wildlife aprons with our unique designs. So whether you are looking for a wildlife gift for that special wildlife lover in your life, we have a wide range of aprons with photos of giraffes, zebras, elephants, rhinos, lions and more available on our custom printed gifts and accessories. look around our store products page for more options available. Through our partnerships with Zazzle, Redbubble, Spreadshirt and others, we are working with established companies and marketplaces to bring your our designs and photography on a wide range of products.
- Our Switzerland Range of Designs and Nature Photography
Once upon a time, we took a trip through Germany and Switzerland while we were dealing with some personal matters. Our trip took us through Stuttgart and the Interlaken region of Switzerland. Our Range of Outdoor and Nature Photography from Switzerland can be seen below. The Above image was taken on Interlaken and has its famous Oberhofen Castle with the green hills on a cloudy day. Photography has always been a passion of mine as it gave me the chance to do something for myself and that was artistic. I was never a great artist, or a singer, so this allowed me to take up a hobby that I could teach myself and use in graphic design such as the below design. We have partnered with Zazzle to bring our designs to the world and can be seen here. Some of our other photos can be seen below. We will be doing another trip through Germany soon, where we will be taking our trusty camera along for recording and photography purposes. Last time we had a canon 450D which was unfortunately stolen, but we will be replacing it with a mirrorless bundle which will be decided upon soon. currently debating between Fujifilm, Nikon, canon and Panasonic options.
- Christianity, Gentle parenting and bible verses describing it
When my wife was still pregnant, I started thinking about how to raise a Godly child. It is not a easy thing to think about as my son will one day be an individual who makes his own choices and chooses his own path, and the solution to that will be simple. Just read the story of the Lost son. So when my son starts making his own choices, He will be hopefully disciplined enough to make the right choice. I will present the options to him and let him decide his own path from there. This is our view on Christianity, what it says about gentle parenting and a few bible verses discussing the matter. While gentle parents discipline their children, the goal is to teach the child rather than punish them for their behavior. These actions help children better understand how they should behave while not exposing them to less favorable ways of speaking and acting. When we show gentleness, especially during stressful times, we model frustration tolerance, and we model flexibility. Staying calm and being gentle and firm sets the tone for positive growth and development," says Allison Andrews, PsyD, practice owner and primary clinician at Child Development Partners in Boston, MA. But gentle parenting also involves discipline. So its not permissive parenting which basically asks nothing of the child and sets no boundaries, nor is it tiger parenting with extremely high expectations and no leisure activities. So you might ask yourself, but is this biblical. I will present a few arguments as to what I think: Does the bible support Gentle Parenting? What does Christianity say and are their Bible verses to back it up So I have the following question for you before we go deeper into this. Does the bible tell you how to do every little thing in your life? Does it tell you to brush your teeth, get dressed, go to work, feed yourself, visit friends and family, take time to relax etc. Of course not. The bible cant advise us on how to do every small little thing because then there would be no self determination, no community, we would not be thinking for ourselves on what's best in situations, we would basically be drones waiting on a programmed instruction. The bible was written to show us a historical collection of where we came from, what God did before, to show us Jesus and his sacrifice, and to give guidance in a general everyday life matter. But it was never created to tell us exactly what to do in every situation, otherwise it would be a endless book of instructions and nothing else. When it comes to parenting, there are some verses that can assist in this regard. PROVERBS 22:6- Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it EPHESIANS 6:4- And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Fathers, your family should take top priority. Your children and grandchildren are your dynasty. PROVERBS 22:15- Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, and the rod of correction shall drive it away. PROVERBS 15:1- A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger PROVERBS 23:13- Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. PROVERBS 29:17- Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire. PROVERBS 13:24- Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. PROVERBS 29:15- The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. COLOSSIANS 3:21- Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged PSALM 103:13- As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. What does this mean? So what can these bible verses teach us about raising children. Its is fair to say that there are two elements coming through here, Discipline, and Love. We cant be so stubborn as to just see the word rod over and over and presume that means hit our children. That's the same as reading a recipe for a cake and just seeing the word beat everywhere, so you go grab your belt or ruler or whatever and start hitting all the ingredients because we saw the word beat a few times without reading the entire recipe. The basic argument of most Christians who believe in physical discipline is to point to the word rod being used over and over. Basically I see the word rod, a rod is used to hit things, it means hit children when they are naughty. But this is the total opposite of what psychology teaches us. So we have a problem here. Either the bible is wrong in this regard and we should not be hitting our children OR Someone just has not taken the time to understand the meaning behind this and went on face value If we look at all the instances where a rod is mentioned, it also talks about discipline at the same time. The idea that the only form of discipline is to hit a child is a lie actually. It is something people were told to believe and the idea took root without anyone questioning it. and it got passed down the generations. So lets look at the word discipline- The original word in the Aramaic bible can mean: "Properly, chastisement; figuratively, reproof, warning or instruction; also restraint" This would suggest a more discussion and consequences approach to discipline than hitting your children. Where things are spoken about and explained, measured consequences are giving appropriately. Sometimes that means doing nothing even as it carries its own consequence. An example would be your child threw their favorite toy across the room and it broke. The consequence being the toy is broken, and it cant be played with anymore, its gone. There is no need to spank them for it, the consequence that occurred naturally is the punishment. Our role is to tell the child calmly but firmly, you threw your toy, it broke, and you cant play with it anymore. We must not throw our toys. When my son throws his spoon or fork away, he doesn't get it back, we say we don't throw our cutlery and leave it where it is until he has been put to bed. he then eats with his hands instead. Its the natural consequence of the action. It takes time though, so be patient with yourself. So what should we do? This is where we need to reach out to the greater Christian community and ask for guidance and assistance. We go to doctors for our physical health, accountants for our financial health, builders for our homes etc, so whats wrong with approaching the right people for our parenting health. In this case, it would be psychologists and teachers and people who have studied the development of children and have come to an agreement about what's best. I regularly read articles about parenting at each stage of my sons development, and when something new pops up, our family researches, discusses, and implements the best tactic. Be aware, you might encounter a lot of pushback from certain family members about doing this as they were taught differently. Unfortunately, changing a mindset, especially a religious one, can be very difficult. I have to use gentle parenting techniques sometime on older people who want to interfere with how we are doing things because they were not raised that way. I remember the first time one of my in laws tried to get my son to stop something with the sentence you are going to get hit if you don't stop, it took a verbal disciplining from me and my wife and telling her the bible does not say hit your children, and that mentality still pops up every now and then. The way we were raised has a impact on us and we carry that parenting technique with us forward. Unfortunately, just like abused children can become abusers, children who were parented badly will probably repeat the same parenting techniques. It requires a change of thinking.
- Fatherhood New Designs-Christlike Fatherhood
Continuing on from our newest desire to create clothing and design options for fathers, we have created this unique design. Some of our designs are aimed at those who believe in Jesus, Christianity and want to learn about fatherhood. These designs are aimed for those wanting to live a Christlike Fatherhood life. Showcasing a silver shield design with a gold Cross and the word fatherhood in black text. The entire design has a grunge feel to it with its embossed bump map design made in gimp. But fathers out there no longer have to just be happy with all those shirts and clothing talking about the greatest grandmother or mom is in charge etc. We now have options. So push out your chest, square those shoulders, and proudly announce that you are a great father, a loving husband, a wonderful son in law, whatever you can imagine that shows we as men are allowed to be manly and it not be a toxic thing. Fatherhood entails teaching your children about the Bible, Jesus, God, Christianity and what it means to be a humble and down to earth person. The bible is filled with sinful men and women, hopefully we can do better. you can view our designs and shops here. We also keep other inspired designs that reflect bible verses and fatherhood, they might not be as designed as some of our others, but that will come in time. you can see them here.
- The modern day woke idealogy, transgender, God, Christianity and evolution and Jesus.
So we all have been seeing the modern day woke idealogy that has been doing the rounds for a while now, and this got me wondering about it and why they believe what they do. We will be discussing the ideas of the woke generation, transgender, evolution, Christianity, God and Jesus and how they all affect us. Modern day thinking will normally tell you to reject the bible and traditional values because they are outdated, for the unintelligent, use your brain and see the lies etc. Science and testing theories and how anything to be proven has to be observable and testable would throw any religious beliefs out the window the minute it is discussed. But where are the same people saying that when it comes to transgender beliefs and views. Why are the scientists and science students not telling transgender people show me proof you are a trans man/woman, not just that you believe it. Why is a religious belief where it talks about a Higher Power and where things are expected of us as humans fought against and cause division and analyzed and scrutinized from a scientific viewpoint, but the minute someone says I am transgender, all of a sudden the scientific community doesn't challenge this thought process at all. You never see a scientist at a transgender rally asking them why and whether its provable, its just accepted as their belief and that's it. Neil deGrasse Tyson admitted in a interview which can be seen here: That essentially either transgender is a biological cause, which then removes the problem, or its a mental cause which then brings out accountability for how the individual behaves, but that the individuals rights cant be transgressed. Which is fair, even though someone might not lead the life you agree with, it nowhere gives us permission to now hurt that individual. Jesus himself many times encountered sinners and never once did he get angry, judgmental, have a superior attitude about that person etc, he met them at their level, forgave them and asked they sin no more. There is a concept I call the visible sin, which encompasses everything we can see the other person is doing and the Christian community loves to jump on whenever it arises. This involves adultery, homosexuality, gambling, alcoholism, pornography etc. Because we love taking a holier than though attitude when these come up, and point them out as sinful and make ourselves feel good as Christians, its easy to push these people away as a result. I have done it before, and I hope those people can forgive me and that I was not taken as the prime example of Christianity, just a dumb kid who didn't know better. If we actually read the bible and see Jesus's relationship with his own disciples, you will notice that Jesus spent time with the sinners, and the lowest and the poorest, while the disciples were arguing about who is the greatest among them, and falling asleep while Jesus needed them, and basically their sinful nature was always present. It should not surprise us when we see sin in the church and in Christianity, it should be expected. From the leaders to the ushers to the new person who joined last week, everyone of us is engrained to commit sin. It will happen. always and everywhere. When my family got hit with alcoholism, I had to change my lifestyle a lot to adjust for this new reality. Left my job to look after my family, get through the anger and hurt, questioned my faith in God and the bible, a lot of soul searching and questioning, you would be surprised as to how much you start asking questions when all you have is time and nothing is working out the way you wanted. I started watching a lot of Christian apologetics like Frank Turek (Cross Examined) and Cliffe Knechtle I see this as me doing what the bible says, seek and ye shall find. The thing I mostly get from that is to search for answers, seek out the truth, don't just accept what is told to you blindly. I am not a very spiritual Christian, you will not find me speaking in tongues at church( in fact I feel very fake doing that, like its all non sensical babble, but that's a discussion for another time.), or driving out demons etc. My faith is more real, evidence based on what we can actually understand. Like I learnt recently that the word day in the bible in genesis can mean a solar day, a period of morning and night, or a defined period of time. So when God made the world in 7 days, it could refer to anyone of those. So that does bring into question the evolution vs creation and the age of the earth into debate. But the important thing to remember, the age of the earth is not something we need to confirm to confirm. It is nice to know and discuss and learn about, but Jesus is irrelevant to the age of the earth. You can view more here on that here. Unfortunately it is somewhat difficult to come to a conclusion and final answer on some of these things as there is always a counter argument, Atheist says A, Christian says B, Atheist says C and so on and so on. there is always a counter argument to the others point of view. But back to the main reason for this. The danger of Woke ideology is that it makes everyone just accept whatever is happen as ok, as long as people are happy and given freedom, even if it hurts them. I had a young child come up to me recently and say he is looking for microplastics, when I asked why, he said he was a turtle and that he wanted to eat them. Woke would say just let the kid think he is a turtle, and then one day he might actually die because he believed he should eat microplastics like turtles. Whether there were mental issues involved is another question, his parents were not at the event, but allowing this thinking would have resulted in his death. So just keep your mind open to potential dangers of being woke, there is a limit to what is rational and truthful, and what is harmful to everyone, even if it makes them happy. In faith and love. Sven
- Evolution- Darwin, God and the Bible
Hi All So for a while now I have been asking hard questions about Christianity, creation and evolution. I guess I have always had the desire to figure out where exactly the whole evolution theory comes into play when it comes to a Creator. So here are a few thoughts on Evolution/Darwin and God and how it relates to the Bible. I have never been able to just accept anything as truth just because someone says so. Whether that person is a renowned scientist or a pastor. This is because people can become blind easily to a different point of view and accept there view as truth. I consider that to be arrogant and not helpful to my search for information. So I guess my perfect situation would be to find a humble scientist who is undecided and let the facts speak as they are, and find a pastor/theologian who is open to perhaps God took a while to create the universe, and not in six days just because the bible says 6 days and that's that. Someone who has studied the history of the bible, learnt the original language, understood the culture, has given himself/herself wisdom, and a scientist who studied the universe, biology, etc, and can be open and admit that micro evolution doesn't itself prove macro evolution. That adaptation of a animal doesn't necessarily equate to proving a change of kind is possible as well. Just the other day I read a story about a certain dinosaur that it had to "Rapidly" develop their long necks, in just 5 million years according to the study: Click This Link to see the report Now ignoring that 5 million years is still a long time, if evolution is supposed to be a slow gradual unguided process, how did it in this instance all of a sudden speed up. what made it go faster compared to other animals that needed adaptation? if there is nothing controlling it, then how was it told to go faster or these animals are going to die out because they cant catch the fish anymore to eat. and the fact this cant be observed or tested, and must just be believed, is what makes me question it. I don't have enough knowledge currently to decide where I stand on the age of the earth and evolution etc., But I also cant just believe what is written about those topics as truth either as it can change at any moment. Like the above article where a few weeks ago there was a accepted idea on the development on this species, which is now incorrect and the timeline had to be adjusted again. maybe in a few months something new will be discovered that changes the timeline again from 5 million to one million. So I will not accept evolution and its timeline as a proven standard until a single agreed upon timeline that will not change continuously is discovered and is set as fact, not adjustable fact based on ongoing discoveries. I still don't comprehend how a scientist can accept the idea that nothing can create something. in every experiment and instance today, there is no recorded event of nothing creating something. A child does not come from nothing, it is two biological objects coming together and forming into a new human being. No one has ever woken up and found a fully formed creation sitting in their lounge, not even half formed creation. In the video below, we have a few scientists( just a general term in this case to describe the group, but they are mathematicians, biochemist and a geophysicist), discussing the problems with Darwin. There is always a counter argument to everything. Looking at things like the fossil record, quotes like this always come up: "The fossil record certainly has gaps, mostly because the conditions required to create fossils have been rare ever since life began on Earth. A very small percentage of animals that have lived and died ever became fossils. Thus, many pieces of the puzzle are missing; some will never be found." Website Quote So this does bring into question what exactly is the truth here, who on which side of the argument is guessing and presuming certain things and filling the gap with their own ideas to make the whole argument work. Someone somewhere must be going I want to believe my version of events, so I am just going to accept what I can confirm as proof of that which I cannot. And it probably happens on both sides of this argument. In the documentary Evolution vs God, Associate Professor Gail E. Kennedy was asked the question asking for scientific and observable evidence of evolution she said, "Evolution is not testable over time." She went on later to say that the problem with people who don't believe in evolution is that they just don't have enough imagination. Since when did science rely on imagination to prove that it is true. Then we might as well not call it science, which in reality requires evidence and not just ordinary evidence, but observable and testable.
- Fatherhood Life, and all it entails with gentle parenting and how that relates to being Christian
So When I became a father about 18 months ago, we naturally did some clothing shopping and noticed that there was very little in choices for fathers and their newborn. all the clothing revolved around the grandmother or the mom being praised, but nothing celebrating the father in anyway. so where were the fatherhood designs? Well I thought that was a little bit unfair, so I decided to start a range of designs aimed at praising being a father. Being Christian as well, some of our designs are also aimed at what it means to be a Christian father. How does Christian fatherhood and gentle parenting combine? We had the grandparents who had the old view that physical discipline( and considering discipline means to teach, I don't see what you teach a child by hitting them) was biblical. But unfortunately this cant be proven with the bible. What seems to have happened is that people took the verses talking about spare the rod, and understood it to actually mean a physical rod. but lets unpack that shall we. A shepherd in biblical times had a rod and a staff, both were used to protect the sheep, but each had a unique purpose. the Rod was a heavier tool used to defend the sheep against animals, and for counting and a gentle prod when required. but sometimes the sheep dont listen, that is where the staff came into it. The staff was a larger stick with a crooked end, which was used to gently but firmly pull the sheep back into wherever it was supposed to be. So when the bible talks about spare the rod, and based upon the usage of it back then, it can be determined that the rod was not referring to physical punishment, but rather guidance and teaching, and perhaps beating away the negative things that might come into your child's life. But I would not suggest beating your child's friends who are potentially a bad influence. that could end you up in trouble. Psychology teaches us the best way to raise a child is through a method called gentle/authoritative parenting. A lot of Christians would say psychology is not biblical, but we go to doctors for our bodies, why cant we go to doctors for our minds. We listen to dentists to brush our teeth, where does it say to do that in the bible. So why cant we as Christians go to people who study the mind for help understanding ourselves. Authoritative parenting revolves around mutual respect, conversations, boundaries, understanding and basically all the stuff Jesus tells us to be with each other. So there is a rod and a staff, it is just used wisely and appropriately. It has been proven through studies that physical discipline results negative outcomes for the child, from anger issues, bad school performance, bad relationships with others, and more. The reason why this continues is simple, in my view. It was what happened to me as a child and I am ok now, so I can repeat it to my children. But as an adult, can we honestly look back to our younger selves and say what happened was ok. I have the view that when it comes to this, you don't know what you do not know. If we had to be honest with ourselves, can we look at our lives and what we do and how we behave and perhaps admit that maybe it actually affected us negatively. there is no shame in admitting it might have hurt you, but everyone can change. I have to deal with grandparents who still want to physically discipline my son and remind then over and over why not to. Changing minds takes time, longsuffering is the appropriate term I believe. So if you are interested in learning more about this type of parenting. there are multiple resources for this: very well mind Parenting Science if you are interested in following our designs based around being a father, you can view our Zazzle store here. We traditionally did outdoor, nature and wildlife photography, but had the inspiration to start a line of designs aimed at fathers, fatherhood, Christianity and gentle parenting when we saw how little there was actually out there about this.
- Hunting and Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife conservation in Africa is a critical issue for the preservation of the continent’s species and ecosystems. With the growing human population and economic pressures, African nations are facing numerous challenges when trying to protect indigenous species, habitats and resources. In spite of this, there have been some positive developments in recent years, with several African countries taking steps to protect the continent’s delicate wildlife and habitats. The African continent is home to some of the most iconic species in the world. Africa’s iconic Big Five – lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and buffalo – are all facing pressure from illegal hunting and habitat destruction. To address this growing problem, many African nations have implemented a variety of wildlife conservation measures. In Kenya, for example, the government passed the Wildlife Conservation Act that bans the hunting and export of wildlife for commercial gain. In Tanzania, the government has introduced the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, which establishes and strengthens measures to protect the nation’s wildlife. Although these efforts are commendable, there is still a long way to go before Africa’s wildlife can be properly protected. To effectively ensure the conservation of Africa’s wildlife, African governments must be supported and encouraged to implement policies and legislation that promote sustainable resource use and protect vulnerable species. There also needs to be greater investment in anti-poaching operations and robust law enforcement. The future of Africa’s wildlife and habitats depends on the actions taken now. If African nations continue to take the necessary steps to protect their natural resources, they will ensure the future of their iconic species and create a sustainable environment for future generations. While we ourselves are not anti hunting, we have a stand against hunting when it comes at the expense of the wildlife we should be preserving. Culling animals is no different than hunting, but there is no need to make a hunter happy and get paid for it just so he can say he shot one of the last few of an endangered species. We have a few organizations we think you should consider supporting on our conservation page. We also have a variety of designs available through our stores that specifically cater to the conservation themes. View our stores on Zazzle and Redbubble or our products page to see more.
- African Nature/Wildlife Photography
African Nature Photography is like no other. The continent’s vast and diverse landscape offers photographers the opportunity to capture some of the most unique and beautiful natural scenes in the world. From the rolling sand dunes of the Sahara Desert to the lush rainforests of the Congo Basin, nature photographers have the chance to capture some amazing images while exploring some of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. The vast array of wildlife that can be found in Africa provides endless opportunities for capturing stunning images of some of the most iconic creatures on the planet. From big cats such as lions and leopards to majestic elephants and playful primates, photographers have the chance to get up close and personal with some of Africa’s most majestic animals. Photographing exotic birds, crocodiles, and other unique species can also offer ample photographic opportunities. When it comes to landscapes, Africa is home to some of the most breathtaking natural scenes in the world. From the rugged rocky coastline of South Africa to the breathtaking waterfalls of Tanzania, nature photographers have the opportunity to capture breathtaking images showcasing natural beauty. Incorporating wildlife into these beautiful settings can add an extra layer of intrigue to any image. By exploring different parts of African nature and wildlife, photographers can create some truly stunning images. Whether you’re looking to capture a powerful image of a big cat, or an intimate portrait of a bird in flight, African nature photography offers some amazing opportunities to capture truly unique images. So if you’re looking to create some breathtaking images that capture the beauty of the continent and its wildlife, African nature photography can provide you with some amazing photo opportunities. Pathblazer Studios was born out of a love for wildlife and nature photography. It all started while working on game reserves in South Africa. As most passions begin small, we were the same. All we had was a fuji finepix s5600 camera, eventually built up to a Canon entry level DSLR, then life happened and this was put on the backburner for a few years. But in 2022 we got back into it, with new designs all based around our African Wildlife photography. You can view our gallery to see more, otherwise our Zazzle and Redbubble stores offer our designs as well.
- South African Landmarks
South Africa is home to some of the most iconic landmarks in the world, making it a country filled with beauty and culture. From mountain peaks and national parks to historic sites, South Africa has something for everyone to explore. Whether you’re a tourist or a local, there are plenty of stunning landmarks worth seeing. Here are some of the top attractions to check out during your next South African holiday. Table Mountain: This famous flat-topped Dune locally known as “the table” is a must-see for any visitor to South Africa. Located in Cape Town, Table Mountain is one of the most recognizable landmarks on the continent and provides breathtaking views of the entire city. The mountain is also home to an amazing variety of different wildlife and vegetation. Robben Island: This small island, located in Cape Town, may be small in size but makes up for it in importance. Robben Island was the place where political activist and former president, Nelson Mandela, was held for 18 of his 27-year imprisonment. Today, Robben Island is an important historical landmark and a poignant reminder of the oppressive policies and practices of the apartheid era. Visitors can tour the island and learn more about the history of South Africa. Kruger National Park: This reserve is considered one of the best game reserves in the world and is the largest in South Africa. Here, you can spot a wealth of incredible wildlife, including the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo). Kruger National Park also offers guided safaris and other activities, such as bird-watching, hiking and canoeing, making it the perfect destination for nature lovers. Cape Point: Located at the most southwestern point of Africa, Cape Point is a natural landmark known for its breathtaking views of the ocean. It’s also home to a variety of wildlife, such as jackals, ostriches, antelopes and more. The Cape of Good Hope Reserve is located nearby, which is an important part of the Cape Floral Kingdom World Heritage Site. God’s Window: This towering lookout point is one of the most awe-inspiring spots in the entire country. God’s Window provides a majestic view of the lowveld and the Blyde River Canyon, making it a must-see destination. It’s a great spot to get away from it all and take in the scenery. From the beauty of Table Mountain to the historic importance of Robben Island, South Africa is home to many breathtaking landmarks. These are just a few of the many attractions you can explore during your next South African holiday. No matter where you go, you’re sure to find plenty of spectacular sites to explore and enjoy. We have a range of South African Landmark inspired designs that can be found under all our stores. They contain the silhouettes of the landmarks designed with our African wildlife photography. We will be adding them over time, but we started with our Redbubble store. Zazzle and others to follow
- Society 6 and wildlife photography/designs
So you might be looking for something for the wildlife lover, wildlife art,wildlife photos, be a wildlife seeker yourself, or just a wildlife friend. Well we have something for you then. Through our partnership with Society 6, we can bring you our range of graphic designs and photography on a wide range of products/gifts. If you are a fan of wildlife photography and approaches to eco-friendly design, then Society6 is the perfect destination for you. Society6 is full of unique wildlife-inspired designs such as wildlife photography, animal-focused art, and eco-friendly products. Not only does Society6 carry an extensive collection of wildlife designs, but it also specializes in helping you make a statement with its customizable products. Wildlife photography is one of Society6's signature products. Their collection boasts stunning photographs from around the world from well-known photographers. Every image is beautifully printed and framed in a variety of sizes and frames. Whether you're looking for a large piece as a centerpiece for your living room or a small framed print for your office space, Society6 has something for you. Eco-friendly products are also a hallmark of Society6. They offer a unique selection of sustainable products, such as tote bags, mugs, water bottles, and more. All of their products are made of environmentally friendly materials, and they strive to reduce their impact on the environment by using responsible and sustainable packaging. Finally, Society6 can make your statement as loud as you would like. Their customization options make it easy to personalize any of their designs, so that you can create something unique and personalized that reflects your passion for wildlife and eco-friendly design. Whether you are looking to decorate your home or office space or shopping for a gift for a friend, Society6 has a variety of products that will make a statement. If you love wildlife photography and want to make a statement with eco-friendly designs, then Society6 is the perfect place for you. Their selection of high-quality prints, customization options, and sustainable products will help you showcase your love for wildlife and eco-friendly design without compromising on style. So why wait? Check out Society6 today and find the perfect piece for your home, office, or loved one. View our shop here or see our page for further details.
- African Wildlife T shirts available
African wildlife shirts are a great way to show your love and appreciation for African wildlife. Whether you love cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, or lions, there are endless designs to choose from. With both Zazzle and Redbubble, you can customize and create unique shirts featuring wildlife prints and sayings. Zazzle has a variety of African wildlife shirts, including some featuring fonts that look right at home on an African safari. Some of these shirts are inspired by African wildlife, while others feature multicolor designs that capture the beauty of Africa. With Zazzle, you can customize your shirt with unique text and images. Whether you want to add a funny message or an inspiring quote, you can do it all at Zazzle! Redbubble also offers African wildlife shirts that are a bit more subtle in their design. They have a wonderful selection of African wildlife shirts that feature subtle prints and soft colors. These shirts are perfect for anyone who wants to show off their love for wildlife in a casual and understated way. If you're looking for something a bit more eye-catching, Redbubble also has a variety of bold and vibrant designs. No matter which way you go with your African wildlife shirts, you'll be sure to make a statement. Whether you choose from Zazzle's expressive designs or Redbubble's subtle prints, your love for African wildlife will be seen loud and clear. So, get creative and make your own unique African wildlife shirt today! So why not go through our range of t shirts available from Pathblazer Studios. We have worked on reserves in South Africa and have created a unique collection of designs and photos just for the wildlife lover and tourists visiting South Africa. You can see them on our shops page.